Orphan children should also get the right to education, reservation and scholarship, only then they will be able to become self-reliant in the future. With this orphan children will also get the right to live respectfully in the society. This will happen only when every individual will work towards empowering these children. This is to say of Supreme Court lawyer Paulomi Pavini Shukla who joined the Facebook Live of Sunday Woman Guest Editor. Paulomi says that the purpose of her book for orphans is to make the common man aware of the condition of orphans in the country. After reading the book, it becomes clear in the minds of people what they can do for these children. If every person takes a pledge to visit the orphanage once in a month, besides protecting the rights of children, they will also join the mainstream of the society.
Paulomi says many people are hesitant to adopt because it takes time. But it is also necessary to ensure the future of the children. Therefore, adoption is given only after satisfaction. However, efforts are being made to simplify this process. Mother gives birth to a child after nine months, here too the child is coming home, so don’t give up